Results for 'Jack Ka Cheong Chun'

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  1.  50
    Power of Politics and Reasonableness in Policy Study: On Some Methodological Problems with the Harvard Team Report.Jack Ka Cheong Chun - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (6):591-606.
    The so-called “Harvard Team Report,” commissioned by the Hong Kong government (Hong Kong SAR Government, 1999), suggests significant institutional changes to the local health care system, including a partial shift of the financial burden directly to the citizens. I argue that 1) the Report's adoption of the contextuality principle as its research framework encounters practical problems in collecting data for a reliable analysis; 2) the existing health care system already satisfies the Report's first guiding principle; 3) the Report's employment of (...)
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    The Influence of Menstrual Cycle and Androstadienone on Female Stress Reactions: An fMRI Study.Ka Chun Chung, Felix Peisen, Lydia Kogler, Sina Radke, Bruce Turetsky, Jessica Freiherr & Birgit Derntl - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Corrigendum: The Influence of Menstrual Cycle and Androstadienone on Female Stress Reactions: An fMRI Study.Ka Chun Chung, Felix Peisen, Lydia Kogler, Sina Radke, Bruce Turetsky, Jessica Freiherr & Birgit Derntl - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Pelops and Myrtilos: Reassessing the Ekphrasis in Statius, Thebaid 6.283–5.Henry Ka Chun Tang - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):327-337.
    This article argues for an alternative interpretation of the ekphrasis of Pelops and Myrtilos among Adrastus’ parade of ancestral images in lines 6.283–5 of Statius’ Thebaid. The majority of scholarly readings believe that the scene described in these lines alludes to the mythical chariot-race between Pelops and Oenomaus. Using a combination of visual, intertextual and intratextual evidence, this article suggests that these lines more likely refer to a later part of the myth—Pelops’ murder of Myrtilos, as the former hurls the (...)
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    Coalitional Physical Competition.Timothy S. McHale, Wai-chi Chee, Ka-Chun Chan, David T. Zava & Peter B. Gray - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (3):245-267.
    A large body of research links testosterone and cortisol to male-male competition. Yet, little work has explored acute steroid hormone responses to coalitional, physical competition during middle childhood. Here, we investigate testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and cortisol release among ethnically Chinese boys in Hong Kong, aged 8–11 years, during a soccer match and an intrasquad soccer scrimmage, with 63 participants competing in both treatments. The soccer match and intrasquad soccer scrimmage represented out-group and in-group treatments, respectively. Results revealed that testosterone showed (...)
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    Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization.Ka-Fai Yau & David Clarke - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 112-118 [Access article in PDF] Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization, by David Clarke. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2002, 240 pp. Paper. The issue of identity is a "vicious" circle in relation to Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. The more one talks about it, the more it is to be talked about as if it is a phenomenon (...)
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  7. Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain.Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze & John-Dylan Haynes - 2008 - Nature Neuroscience 11 (5):543--545.
  8.  13
    What the Bible says about God the redeemer.Jack Cottrell - 1987 - Joplin, Mo.: College Press.
    Part of a three book series on theology, which includes God the Creator and God the Ruler, Cottrell expounds upon the three major elements of God as revealed in the scriptures: providence, redemption and creation.
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    Israel as Foundling, Jesus as Bachelor: Abandonment, Adoption, and the Fatherhood of God.Jack Miles - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala, Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 304-325.
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    Az igazság történései: hermeneutikai és alkalmazott filozófiai kutatások.Károly Veress (ed.) - 2014 - Kolozsvár: Bólyai Társaság.
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    Egy létparadoxon színe és visszája: hermeneutikai kísérlet a nem lehet-probléma megnyitására.Károly Veress - 2003 - Kolozsvár: Pro Philosophia.
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    The Literature of the Book: Book collecting.Jack Walsdorf - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (4):212-214.
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    Gregory of Rimini.Jack Zupko - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 283–290.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The signification of propositions God's power to change the past The composition of continuous magnitudes.
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  14. Investigating gender and racial biases in DALL-E Mini Images.Marc Cheong, Ehsan Abedin, Marinus Ferreira, Ritsaart Willem Reimann, Shalom Chalson, Pamela Robinson, Joanne Byrne, Leah Ruppanner, Mark Alfano & Colin Klein - forthcoming - Acm Journal on Responsible Computing.
    Generative artificial intelligence systems based on transformers, including both text-generators like GPT-4 and image generators like DALL-E 3, have recently entered the popular consciousness. These tools, while impressive, are liable to reproduce, exacerbate, and reinforce extant human social biases, such as gender and racial biases. In this paper, we systematically review the extent to which DALL-E Mini suffers from this problem. In line with the Model Card published alongside DALL-E Mini by its creators, we find that the images it produces (...)
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  15.  26
    Community Social Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility.Chun Keung Hoi, Qiang Wu & Hao Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):647-665.
    This study examines whether community social capital in US counties, as captured by strength of civic norms and density of social networks in the counties, affects corporate social responsibility of resident corporations headquartered in the counties. Analyses of longitudinal data from 3688 unique US firms between 1997 and 2009 provide strong empirical support for the propositions that community social capital facilitates positive CSR activities that benefit non-shareholder stakeholders and constrains negative CSR activities that are detrimental to non-shareholder stakeholders. Additionally, we (...)
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  16.  31
    The logic of literature.Käte Hamburger - 1973 - Bloomington,: Indiana University Press.
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  17. Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Staffordshire, 1766-1767.Jack Howard Broome - 1966 - Keele,: University (Library).
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    The Case Of The Brobdingnagian Lilliputian: A Swiftly Penned Reply to Shrader.Jack K. Horner - unknown
  19.  42
    Scientific statements and statements about humanly created objects.Jack Kaminsky & Raymond J. Nelson - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (15):641-648.
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  20. Against 'Racisms': An Invidious Concept Under Fire.Jack Kerwick - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-17.
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  21. A brief philosophy of history.Mór Kármán - 1972 - New Brunswick, N.J.,: American Hungarian Studies Foundation.
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  22.  14
    The role of extremist organizations in the formation of negative ideas about Islam.L. B. Mayevs’ka - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:162-164.
    In the last decade, the activities of various extremist organizations have intensified, which use religious slogans to achieve political goals, sometimes even deliberately distorting the basic tenets of religion. Researchers argue that such organizations put forward some position and then, in order for it to gain weight in the eyes of Muslims, reinforce it with a distorted interpretation of the ayat from the Qur'an or the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. This is most characteristic of supporters of the extremist trend (...)
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  23.  11
    (1 other version)A Model of Pedagogy, but is it Hegel?(Beiser, Hegel).Jack William Moloney - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):396-399.
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    Writing the Rules of Death: State Regulation of Physician-Assisted Suicide.Jack Schwartz - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):207-216.
    If the Supreme Court affirms either Compassion in Dying v. State of Washington or Quill v. Vacco, state legislatures will be presented with a new and unwelcome task: regulating physician-assisted suicide. This article focuses on the states task of specific policy making in light of the due process reasoning in Compassion in Dying and the equal protection reasoning in Quill. Policy makers must try to predict whether a particular regulation would in practice achieve its intended objective. They must also try (...)
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  25.  21
    Perspectives on trie Television Arab.Jack G. Shaheen - 1988 - In Larry P. Gross, John Stuart Katz & Jay Ruby, Image Ethics: The Moral Rights of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television. Oup Usa. pp. 203.
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  26. Ontology and feminism.Käthe Trettin - 2006 - In Deborah Orr, Belief, bodies, and being: feminist reflections on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  27.  9
    al-Ghunūṣīyah: qirāʼah fī taʼwīlātahā al-ramzīyah wa-dalālātahā al-falsafīyah.Kākah Yī & Hudá ʻAlī - 2021 - Baghdād: Dār Qanādīl lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  28. A First-Order Logic Formalization of the Industrial Ontology Foundry Signature Using Basic Formal Ontology.Barry Smith, Farhad Ameri, Hyunmin Cheong, Dimitris Kiritsis, Dusan Sormaz, Chris Will & J. Neil Otte - 2019 - In Barry Smith, Farhad Ameri, Hyunmin Cheong, Dimitris Kiritsis, Dusan Sormaz, Chris Will & J. Neil Otte, ”, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), Graz.
    Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is a top-level ontology used in hundreds of active projects in scientific and other domains. BFO has been selected to serve as top-level ontology in the Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF), an initiative to create a suite of ontologies to support digital manufacturing on the part of representatives from a number of branches of the advanced manufacturing industries. We here present a first draft set of axioms and definitions of an IOF upper ontology descending from BFO. The (...)
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  29.  44
    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health Behavior Change: A Contextually-Driven Approach.Chun-Qing Zhang, Emily Leeming, Patrick Smith, Pak-Kwong Chung, Martin S. Hagger & Steven C. Hayes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Hyle of Imagination and Reproductive Consciousness: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Phantasy Reconsidered.Ka-yu Hui - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (3):273–292.
    The validity of Husserl’s early apprehension/content of apprehension schema (_Auffassung/Auffassungsinhalt Schema_) of intentionality has long been a subject of dispute. In the case of phantasy (_Phantasie_), commentators often assert that the talk of “non-intentional content,” i.e. the phantasm, is abandoned in Husserl’s mature phenomenology of phantasy, and his subsequent theory of reproductive consciousness aims precisely to replace the previous schema. Against the current dismissive stance in the literature, this paper argues for the centrality of the concept of phantasm in the (...)
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  31. Akalaṅkagranthatrayam: svopajñavivr̥tisahitaṃ Laghīyastrayam, Nyāyaviniścayayaḥ, Pramāṇasaṅgrahaśca: Nyāyācārya Paṃ. Mahendrakumāraśāstrinirmitaṭippaṇādisahitam. Akalaṅka - 1939 - Ahamadābāda: Siṅghī Jaina Granthamālā. Edited by Mahendrakumāra.
    Three classical works, with auto-commentaries and notes on Jaina philosophy.
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    Guzīdah-ʼi Rāh-i rawshan: tarjumah-ʼi kitāb-i al-Maḥajjah al-bayḍāʼ fī tahdhīb al-Iḥyāʼ.Fayḍ al-Kāshī & Muḥammad ibn Murtaḍá - 2010 - Mashhad: Bunyād-i Pizhūhishhā-yi Islāmī. Edited by Muḥammad Ṣādiq ʻĀrif & Muḥammad ʻAlī ʻAlīʹdūst.
    jild 1. ʻIbādāt -- jild 2. ʻĀdāt -- jild 3. Muhlikāt -- jild 4. Munjīyāt.
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  33. Manish-i ṭalabagī.Kāẓim Arfaʻ - 1995 - [Tehran]: Muʼassasah-i Taḥqīqātī va Intishārātī-i Fayz̤ Kāshānī.
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    Filozofia jako sposób odczuwania i konceptualizowania ludzkiego losu: materiały z sesji naukowej, Katowice-Wisła, 11-14 maja 1998 r.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1999 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Myŝl systematyczna i historyczna w badaniach filozoficznych: Katowice-Wisła, 7-11 maja 1995 roku.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1995 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego.
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    Rozważania o filozofii a recentiori: księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profesorowi Józefowi Bańce.Józef Bańka & Adolf Szołtysek (eds.) - 1994 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  37. Mātr̥pustaka.KāNana Debī[From Old Catalog] - 1972
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    Culture, Citizenship Norms, and Political Participation: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.Wen-Chun Chang - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (2):256-277.
    This study investigates the role of religion in shaping the norms of citizenship from a cultural perspective for an East Asian country that exhibits fundamental differences in social contexts from Western advanced democracies. Using data drawn from the Taiwan Social Change Survey, we find that the Eastern religions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Folk Religions are important for explaining the formation of the concept of being a good citizen. This study further examines the relationships between citizenship norms and various conventional and (...)
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  39.  9
    Gabriel Marcel.András Dékány - 1982 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Etymological Dictionary of Gurage.Jack Fellman & Wolf Leslau - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):457.
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  41.  25
    Introduction to Classical Ethiopic (Geʾez)Introduction to Classical Ethiopic.Jack Fellman & Thomas O. Lambdin - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):459.
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  42.  6
    True horror stories of science, medicine, and research in American college education.Jack Formacarr - 1984 - Washington, D.C.: Abbe Publishers Association.
  43.  42
    What’s good for the soil is good for the soul: scientific farming, environmental subjectivities, and the ethics of stewardship in southwestern Oklahoma.Jack R. Friedman & Tony N. VanWinkle - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):607-618.
    Based on 10 months of mixed ethnographic and archival research, this study is concerned with ways in which contemporary agro-environmental subjectivities and practices in a southwestern Oklahoma farming community are rooted in the massive state-level interventions of the New Deal era and their successors. We are likewise concerned with how those interventions have become interdigitated with moral discourses and community ethics, as simultaneous expressions of both farmers’ identities and the systems of power in which they practice farming. Through historic and (...)
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  44.  89
    Ephesians 1:15–23.Jack Haberer - 2008 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 62 (3):312-314.
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  45.  53
    A recent attempt to prove God's existence.Henry Jack - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):575-579.
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    Insulated from Contagion in His Robes.Jack Coulehan, Kelley Jean White, Felice Aull, Richard Bronson, Orel Protopopescu & Karl Weyrauch - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (1-2):159-167.
  47. Neues Vertrauen in Staat, Kirche und Gesellschaft.Burkhard Kämper & Klaus Pfeffer (eds.) - 2017 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    The doctrine of God: a global introduction.Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen - 2017 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic.
    In recent years, the doctrine of God has once again become a central focus of theological discussion and debate. Internationally respected scholar Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen offers a global survey of understandings of God in Scripture, Christian history, and contemporary theology. This new edition incorporates developments in theological research over the past decade and has been substantially updated throughout.
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  49. Ganj-i k̲h̲ūbī.Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ Kāshifī - 1966 - [Delhi,: Shuʻbah-yi Urdū, Dihlī Yūnīvarsiṭī. Edited by Mīr Amman Dihlavī.
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    Wa-Laʻallahum yatafakkarūn.Nūr al-Dīn ʻIzz al-Dīn Kaʻwāsh - 2012 - [Riyadh?]: Nūr al-Dīn ʻIzz al-Dīn Kiʻwāsh.
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